Friday, September 19, 2008

Lets Talk

Ever have those times when you just wanna sit down and talk to someone with nothing planned to say...just go with the flow and see where the moment takes you? Right now is one of those times. So much going on so much to think about. So here's my blunt and honest ramble to whoever cares to read it.

So one day something just happened and a change began to occur. I was angry and hurt and felt that one of my closest friendships were falling apart. I talked to that friend today for the first time in a long time, and I believe now I understand why we needed that time apart. While away from that friend I grew closer to others and built a relationship with a couple of people and thier families I never dreamed possible. I can't say it's all been happy go lucky though.

These friends have shown me things of myself I liked but bashfully shyed away from hoping they wouldn't see my true feelings. Others, well to be honest it hurt. I am disappointed in myself, I failed myself and my friends. I would say I have failed God...but He says I haven't failed...only stumbled...again lol. I admit I have a problem cussing. If I become angry or upset I feel others are coming against me I flare up and I just say the first thing that comes to mind. Some christian huh?

I am here to tell ya folks, we may be christian but we sure in heck aint perfect. We don't always make the best choices, we can't always hold our head high and proud and anyone who claims differently is full of themselves. I admit and apologize that I have looked at some of you as though you are perfect...I put you on a pedalstal you should not be on. I apologize for that, sometimes when we find people that come into our lives and they love us through our's easy to get caught up in ourselves so to speak and think they are better than us.

My conscience is killing me over my tongue. There's life and death in the tongue and I've spoken a lot of death lately. Intentionally or not...once it's said it's done you can't take words back. You can't take back the hurt you may have caused someone. Today most people knowingly or not want and fight for power. Weather it be in our work place, our homes, our families or amoungst friends. Here's a little reminder...You hold a lot of power in that little thing inside your mouth called your tongue. The simplest words can and your attitude can either better someone's day or tear them down.

I called a very dear friend of mine about an hour ago and I really wasn't sure why I had nothing new to tell while I am waiting for her to answer and in all honesty hoping the voice mail would pick up so I didn't sound so stupid...I prayed. God why are you having me call her...AGAIN? I feel like such a bother sometimes when I call people especially when it seems to become habit. But as she answered the phone, I felt God telling me to speak life...and so I did with 3 words, I love you. That was all I had to say nothing more left in my wee little brain could I think of besides, I love you.

Challenge yourself today to think before you speak. Are your words gonna bring life or will they bring death? Are you speaking out of emotion or are you speaking from your heart? It's hard to do sometimes especially when we get tied up in our day and everything is chaotic...but I challenge you to stand along side of me today and choose to speak life to everyone you come in contact with.

Be Blessed and always remember You are a child of the most high God!

1 comment:

  1. Wow Tracey! I was just telling my daughter about life & death being on our tongues. We have what we say... haven't we've been saying that all week?

    I stand with you to speak LIFE to all no matter the situation. =)

    I love you, too!


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