Friday, September 26, 2008

Dreaming of TX

So last night I had a dream of tx. Guess who's in tx?? The infamous mama g herself Corrine! Oh man it was so weird and yet fun and I didn't want to wake up. We were on electric scooters I had a red one and mama g had a blue one and we were leaving what I am assuming would have been her home and she was taking me to see Rose and Anna. Well at the end of the drive way was what looked to be a little well, but instead of water there were flowers. There was a sign that said This represents the blooming friendship with Debbie Waters. The other side of the well was empty but looked as if it was being prepared for another batch of flowers and I asked what was that side for...and she said me! Then we headed to see Rose and Anna while talking about Third Day and Decemberadio and how we could get more people involved kind of thing. Weird but it was cool...I didn't wanna wake up. :)

Note to Mama G: I hope we have as good as time in real life as we do in my dreams. :)


  1. I hope so, too. And for the record, my scooter would be ORANGE! LOL (Debbie and I . . . or actually Lori, always says that when we get in our 90's, we will still be rocking, even if we have to do it on orange hover-round scooters. So there ya go.)

  2. LOL now that's funny. I could totally see that now...Aunt Debbie would get a speeding ticket though lol. Why do I always feel she's the trouble maker lol.

  3. Now I have that song from the commercial in my head!
    "Go go gomers in our hover-rounds"
    I'll be praying for you guys. We're hoping to move to OK soon too. We'll be looking at a couple of houses while we're there at the MBT shows. It would be so nice to be closer to other Gomers who are such great friends!


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