Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Long Day

Ok so this morning started ok...^^this^^ is what I looked like before work. I thought it'd be best NOT to watch mama and debbie on video again...the one day I could have used it. I had everything done at work by 9:15am and I was going completely outta my mind. There was NOTHING to do...and everyone is too poor to pay $3.15 a gallon for gas these days to go out.

You know what I hate? I really hate middle aged tattle tales...I sworny!!! One of the chick that I work with hates my guts for some reason...if I stop moving for 1 second she runs off and tells a manager and it drives me absolutely mad. The funny thing that some don't know is that we all watch either others I had a heads up on what she was doing and knew it was just a matter of time before Wayne came out. In the end of random banter...we ended it all off in laughs and me on break.

I was invited by the girls to go play bingo on tuesday nights...I must say I got that 'childish girly excitement' going in me for only a brief moment. I haven't played bingo since my grams...she was the only one I ever played with. I feel if I play bingo without sort of takes away a special moment between me and grams, so I've yet decided if I am going to join the girls night out.

I walked home from work today with beautiful weather...a bit windy but all in all good. It's so funny the little things that God can show us...through the littelest people. There were quite a few kids out in the neighborhood playing basketball, lacross and little 'contest' on who can jump the highest and run the fastest. I noticed that as I walked by and they noticed me coming...every one of them began to 'show off' a though there was something to prove to me...a passing stranger. They ended up making more mistakes and becoming a bit embarrased. I just laughed it off and kept I was crossing through the park to the dawned on me, I too do the same everyday. When Randy or Wayne comes around especially I try to move a little faster do things a tad bit better than I would if they weren't around. Don't get me wrong I do my job to the fullest...but there's always a little more...that 'special touch' you can add. I wonder how 'foolish' and how many more mistakes I actually make when I try to speed things up and add the 'special touch' to things. A simple lesson in just being yourself!


Day wasn't THAT bad I suppose...^^this^^ is how I turned out at the end. Umm yeah I am definitely glad the day is over!

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