Saturday, March 22, 2008

Job Opportunity

So I got a call from Wayne yesterday and he wanted me to come in and have a talk with him and Tara about me returning to work for Byron Market Place. At first I was all excited but arriving at the store and actually standing there waiting for them to call me in...I suddenly became extremely nervous. You see Wayne is this kind of guy well he's tough. Not necessarily mean but you definitely do NOT want to be caught on his bad side. Anywho, the meeting started and we discussed issues that were at hand. I felt they really listened to me and my concerns, and I did the same for them in return. We both expressed our gratitude to the other just for the opportunity and intrests of me coming back to work. Wayne expressed to me that he took it personal when I left and I swear I think he got teary eyed...I saw it! LOL but that's our little secret...wouldn't want to ruin his reputation or anything. ;)

So after about half an hour of talking with Wayne and Tara they decided to give me a second chance which I am ever so grateful for. I will be working day time shift now...taking over Jenn's hours while she is on maternity leave. I start Monday morning at 7am...OUCH! They said they really like me there but they've never seen my morning side LOL. We'll see how it all goes and how well we all hold up to our word in the next coming weeks.


  1. Good news babe!! Hopefully all will go well. Keep on shining!!
    Love ya XX

  2. Thanks for the encouragement know I'll keep you posted...when we cross paths. We won't have as much time now...I won't get home till 9:30 - 10:30pm your time. Will have to catch you on the weekends or before work. Not like I don't have your email, facebook, myspace and 3D boards lol. Thanks again!


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