Friday, January 30, 2009

Be Uncomfortable.

Honesty is about to break lose as I write this blog. Dear Lord please guide my words.

So it's been near close to a month since our move to Texas. I was excited moving down here, I knew I would draw closer to God and I wanted that for myself and for Mike as well. I've come to realize that although while in MN I was out of my 'comfort zone' and wanted to be back in NC many times with my friends and family, I was still very much comfortable in my day to day walk. I've said this before and I'll say it again and again Texas has not been all rays of sunshine.

Coming to Texas has taken me out of a comfort zone on a new level. Yes I am with 'family' but nevertheless we're still all strangers. I know God placed us all together for a reason and I do not regret us moving here. I realized this morning while doing my bible study that I wanted to gain a closer more intimate relationship with Christ without doing any 'dirty work'. How selfish is that right...typical human! Pastor Danny has actually talked about being a disciple at church the last couple of Sunday's. There is a price to's going to cost us. I dunno it's like sometimes my brain doesn't think things all the way through. Example: God I want change I want to grow more intimate with you. Then the changes begin to happen and it seems that you are having more issues than you were before you asked never realizing that this is exactly what you asked for.

I've always told people that God will not just give you patience or love or understanding or wisdom whatever it is you ask for. He'll give you opportunities/situations to where you have to apply that and it's through those experience that you get what you ask for...the price you have to pay, it's gonna cost you. I have been through some pretty hard stuff in my short lived life, but I admit this has to be the hardest thing thus far that I have ever had to go through. I am eternally thankful to God for this opportunity and for the things that He has done this far. I am also thankful for my family that is in this with me. It's been hard on all of us, there's been some tears, but we're sticking it out and we're all learning and growing through this.

Although most days I feel a bit uncomfortable in this new enviroment and being pushed (by God) to do things I would not normally do, I am humble and the joy of the Lord is my strength. This is not necessarily me going through a desert just me climbing a mountain...that feels like Mt. Everst at times but nonetheless. (lol) I am so blessed and thankful to have this opportunity. Each day is a new learning experience a new price to pay. No one ever said that this journey is going to be easy but there is one that has promised if we totally trust and rely on Him, it will be worth it. What challenges are you facing today? Sometimes it's hard to look at the 'positives'. I want to encourage you today to change your perspective and attitude. Instead of looking at your mountain and saying oh God why me why now what did I do to deserve this, ask God what you are to learn from it. Be brave, Be courageous, Be uncomfortable.

Love, Hugs & Blessings.


  1. That focus is so right on!!! To be saying "what do you want e to learn from this God?"

    Keep saying that and you will be amazed what God will teach you when you don't expect it!

  2. I like the message at the end of this. A lot of people need to read this and stop blaming God for everything that goes wrong in their lives.

  3. Tracey,
    You are one of God's miracles.
    Keep your beautiful heart and
    keep showing it as God keeps
    working in and through you.
    Love you,


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