Monday, December 1, 2008

Guess what this blog is about...that's right family! Sorry but family is really important to me and I know I talk a lot about it. So if I make you sick by talking about my family and such so much please feel free to click that little red box with the white x in it at the top right hand of your screen. =)

So last night I talked to my sister Jennifer for a while. Something we really don't do that often without it being through mom or something lol. I really enjoyed our talk...for the most part. We talked about a few things in my life...mostly about leadership. I couldn't believe my sister said a couple things she did, but I know she is right. It's not the first time I've heard it so it's just confirmation to me. 10 years now maybe I should stop running huh? I also talked to her about some stuff in her life. Which I felt at first sort of odd...but it felt good. I actually felt like a big sister. Not trying to ruin my little sisters life, rather just guide her and inform her of different options.

Later my mom called and we talked for a while. She told me some things I really needed to hear about this family thing. Things like how her and dad are proud of me and proud to have me in the family and they tell everyone. I am sure we won't be strangers in TX by time we get there lol. Dad was in the background and told me some stuff that was all sweet and made me feel WOW maybe they really do know how I feel I swear parents have a way of reading your mind. The one thing that really stuck out is when dad called me "daddy's little girl".

Daddy's little Girl is code word between me and God. He told me a few years ago that He would send me a family in His timing, but at the time He wanted me for himself to guide me and prepare me for this moment now. I was God's daddy little girl for a long time and will continue to be so; but now he's giving me an earthly dad to be a 'little girl' to. Over the years so many have tried taken me in and such things, and I am thankful for that I've learned a lot over the years. But NEVER has anyone yet to say Daddy's Little Girl until this moment.

Last night I cried while going to sleep. Instead of tears of sadness and broken hearted, it was tears of joy. Laying beside me was a man that loves me more than I could ever dream of that is always there for me to help me and encourage me. Also, a 1,185 miles away I had a family that loves me and cares for me and are sent from God himself. So although things get tough and the sun isn't always shining in my world, God is always smiling down on me and I always have a constant reminder of how truly blessed I am.


  1. Very nice blog today....

  2. You and your hubby make a lovely couple. You kinda favor each other. You know, I've heard that some couples just do look a like. I think that is SO COOOOL!
    Thanks for being so real.
    Love, Melissa


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