Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Month Gone By

It's been almost a month since my grams has passed away. Everyday gets easier I suppose...but I still miss her as much as the last time I saw her. Since then I have been completely honest and up front with my biological family with respect on how I felt on the way they didn't stay in contact with me. Pretty much it's over for now with my biological family, they've made it clear they don't want any thing to do with me.

One thing that is 'burdening me' is that I haven't talked to my grandpappy since grams passed. It hurts me a lot but I don't know what to say when I do call. I don't know what he will think or say to me. I know my family has been talking about me and the way I have stood up to them. I so bad wanna talk to Grandpappy, but what do I say, how do I fight the tears? How do I tell him we're moving to Tx? I am still praying, a part of me wants to call and the other part feels I should be waiting.

Anyway just needed to vent this out. So if anyone chooses to read this I would really appreciate some prayers. Thanks to those that read my blogs.



  1. God will make it right Baby and He will tell you when to call. I Love You.. Your Hubby Mike xoxoxo

  2. I am the queen of procrastination and not doing the right thing so maybe I'm the wrong one to give you advice but here goes: What if, God forbid, you died tomorrow and you got to heaven and the first thing you said was "Man, Jesus, can I go back down and talk to my Grandpappy? I really didn't mean to wait." You can always change something you did wrong for the better and make it right but you can't change something you NEVER did at all. Does that make sense?

  3. Tracey, I believe the Lord will work it out. He will give you the words... it's all in His timing.

    I know you already know that too.


  4. YOU should call him let him know you are thinking about him... Pick up the phone and give him a call :)


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