Sunday, October 19, 2008

Message in a Dream

A couple of nights ago I once again had a dream about TX and things that would happen. Let me start this by saying that these dreams have happened my whole life and usually come true in some way shape or form. Now that we're moving to TX I see things that I know will one day come true.

We (Mike, mom, dad, rose, adam, the kids) were at this auditordium and my dream kept flashing one time I am indoors and the next we're outside on a platform. Either way there's 100's of people there and we're doing praise and worship. I don't know everyone that is leading worship but I know mom, dad and adam are on stage. We're finishing out worship and of course Emanuel, God with us is the song. Well the worship team keeps playing and mom and dad introduce me on stage as their daughter saying I am going to give my testimony.

I begin to get on stage and I am not nervous at all. The band is still playing, instead of starting to tell my testimony I tell the band to stop playing. I get a word from God and I begin to give it to the crowd and everyone is cheering and saying amen. All I remember of 'the word' is I said My feet are planted on the solid rock I stand my faith is grounded in the word of God. Then I woke up.

I know big things are yet to come in TX and I am excited to get started. I thank God for the dreams He has given me. I do pray though that He will soon give me dreams on how to make this move work. I am ready to go and get started.


  1. I'll be praying for God to give you clarity.

  2. The Lord can use many things to show us things... a dream is just one..

    Keep your eyes and faith in him he will allways lead you. :)

    your donig good girl

  3. That's a pretty awesome dream!


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