Monday, April 13, 2009

God is Faithful.

Last week was extremely hard for me. My hours were cut at work from 30 to 16 which btw is NOT even close enough to pay our bills. I freaked out and lost focus of who my provider is. I didn't know what I was going to do, I was contemplating a new job I was thinking of ways to get hours back, I was even close to sacraficing time with Mike to gain more hours by working nights. I talked to a really good friend of mine who lead me in a prayer and reassured me that God is my provider not subway.

I had a talk with my manager and she told me some things I was not happy with. The lady I just trained the week before was now taking my hours?!?! The only way I was going to get more hours was to work nights and weekends. After prayer with my friend I held onto that prayer and began asking God what He wanted from me. I honestly did not feel my time was up at Subway. I contacted the owner of our subway and told him of the situation he was clueless as to what was going on. He said he would work on the schedule himself and get it worked out.

Today I went into work and the first thing I hear from the owner is...If you're going to quit just quit if you don't want to work here fine go find another job. I was the one left clueless on this one, apparantly this is what my owner heard through the grapevine. I told him that he was hearing from a sour grapevine because I had no plans of quitting and I want to make things work at Subway. So then we go to the back and we have a discussion about the way the store is going and what needs to change. He then tells me that he is giving me the title of assistant manager...WITHOUT the pay!!!

Honestly I was upset by this. Grant it I am already doing the job of the title I just don't have the respect from a couple of crew members. I know that's what the owner was trying to do is just get me the respect from everybody and with the title of assistant manager they're more likely to listen to me. I walked off and went on to making sandwiches all along in a thankful prayer to God. Although I was a bit upset that he wants me to take on more responsibility without getting the pay I knew God answered a prayer...I was given more hours. I gave thanks to God for giving me more hours that I asked for, I was truly thankful for that (my hours were increased to 28 SCHEDULED hours which by the end of the week will be more like 30-31 WORKED hours).

I walked to the back to get some prep started when the owner stopped me. He said "Tracey I was just thinking and you're right you do need a raise." He informed me that our store is down in sales and the pay roll is too high. We have to get the store back to where it belongs in sales and as far as our crew. I am promised a raise when I get the sales up! So not only did God supply me with more hours, He has given me a promotional title at work AND He is supplying me with a raise in the near future. God is so faithful!

I felt bad for the way I reacted the other day finding out that I only had 16 hours. I asked God for forgiveness for that and I know I am forgiven. Thanks to my friends that took the time to talk with me and pray me through this past week. Today I believe I showed God that I was sincere in asking for forgiveness when I gave Him thanks rather than getting upset all over return He was even more faithful to me. God is our provider He knows our needs and wants and He is faithful to provide in His time and His will.

Love, Hugs & Blessings


  1. Yay, God :D for taking good care of my favorite sandwich artist!!!

  2. It is amazing what God does when we trust Him believing it is going to be done before we even see how!! When that happens we are able to see it as God working not only in our lives, but also in us to change us in attitude and mindset. It is so cool when He get to do that rather then just giving us a seriously deserved consequence when we don't trust Him. =)

  3. First off, I love that picture. Ever since you posted it the 1st time! You are a nut.
    You know being human is tough. We question why way too much. When all we need to remember IS that God is our provider. Why is that so hard sometimes?! We want to be in control of our lives. I don't like me when I am self-centered & taking the reins. I'm sure to screw up & learn a lesson the hard way. Darn it!
    Hang in there. God will reveal His plan in His time. :)


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